Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ho Snap! Crimson is back!

I don't know exactly why... but I snapped out of my writing funk and just wrote 1300 words.  It's not that much, but it's enough to put me back on track.  I was reviewing a chapter of my friend's novel, and I think that may have been what started my creativity again.  I looked back at my fan fiction, and read through it again, and it reminded me of my style.

Suddenly, I could see my way around the scene that had me flummoxed for forever (two-three weeks).  I still don't have the exact plot worked out, but that's the way books are written: scene by scene.  No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.  I am very surprised, and I'm very excited to once more fall in love with writing, so to speak.  I only have one question:  Is this the light at the end of the tunnel, or is this the rising action and the dark night of the soul is to come?  I'm not sure, but I'm going to find out by creating a story! 

I still don't have a job, I still don't see friends much, and I'm still not playing volleyball, but for me, this is enough.  

I'm stealing my life zest back if it kills me, dattebayo!



  1. Replies
    1. Ahaha, Naruto always says it at the end of his sentences to reaffirm his convictions. Loosely translates to 'definitely!'

  2. Hey, k-chan. So, could you send me a link to the avenger's panel video you found?
    Muchas gracias


    This should be it. n(>w<)n Wahaha! Have some Loki.
