Thursday, June 20, 2013

This Isn't Nanowrimo, But It Should Be

I haven't blogged in a bit.  There are beautiful, beautiful distractions that have kept my mind away away from blogging.

Okay, well, some of them are beautiful.  I was in the midst of slowly plowing through the first draft of a manuscript when BAM!  A story hit me in the face like a block of gold.  For about an hour or so, I tried to encourage the thought to stay in my mind and then drift away from me.  I didn't want to actually write down my idea because first of all, I was in the middle of writing another book, and secondly (probably the most important) it was fan fiction.  Nothing I would be able to publish or show to people outside of the fandom.

But the idea prevailed and I started writing.  And writing.  And writing.  It was the most focused I'd been on any project in a long, long while.  By the end of the first week, I had over 20,000 words written.  Twenty.  Thousand.  Words.  That may not seem like much to some of my writing friends, but for me it was a downright miraculous feat.  I've never won Nanowrimo.  I usually find it strenuous enough to write a thousand words a day.  And there I was, with over twenty thousand words in a single week.  If I could keep it up, I would have a novel done in less than three weeks.

Well, since then I've slowed down just a little (life tends to get in the way of one's writing) but I'm coming up on the end of Week Two and I'm at about 36,000 words and still have today to write.  It's been getting harder to write, but I'm not going to give up and go back to the old me of writing only a thousand words in a day.  Fan fiction though it may be, this feels like some of the best writing I've ever accomplished in my entire life, and it feels GREAT!

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