Saturday, September 28, 2013

Hello Earth, I'm Still Here

Aaaaaaand of course, just as I'm about to write this post, all my words desert me and I want to fall asleep.  Even though it is the middle of the afternoon and this is completely ridiculous.

In my creative writing class, we are in the unit of images.  I already knew a lot about images, that they drive your work, but I did learn something new.  Summaries should have images in them.  Slides, which transition scenes, should also have an image and a passing of time.  I look forward to seeing more examples of slides and practicing with them, because in the past, most of my transitions were rough.  To avoid that, I usually just triple star in the middle of the page and start the next scene, so slides should really help!

My first college test came and went.  I'm in Biology 1610, and... I got a D-turned-C (thank you modified bell curve!) on the test.  Which sucked because I studied long and hard for the test.  I also have another test this week in the same class, so hopefully it goes better.  For my work, I told them four days a week or less, so hopefully I regain my sanity.  My hope is to, at the start of November, go down to working only three days a week... or find a less-demanding job.

So, yeah, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, I've just been busy (so busy.  And tired, but mostly busy).

-Crimson (and if I don't post again until November, you know why)

P.S. Nanowrimo is one month away, my friends.  PREPARE YOURSELVES!


  1. Hang in there K-Chan!
    Also, I'm all in favor for a big Nanowrimo writing party!

  2. If there's anything I can do, let me know!
