Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blunder And Stumble, But Still Moving Forward

It's been a bit since I've blogged, hasn't it?  Rest assured, I haven't turned into a zombie and succumbed to the apocalypse... yet.

My job was a little overwhelming, mostly because I was unused to spending the long hours on my feet.  However, having a job actually encourages me to spend my time more wisely (do not check facebook, do not check e-mail, do not check facebook, do not repeat) on more important things, since I really don't have the time to procrastinate.

I have still been writing.  It has still been slower than what I would prefer, but it's still coming.  About a week ago, I was having plot problems (AGAIN) and I found another writer's blog (he also is an agent, I believe) and he wrote that he works only with people who follow the formula he does when creating a story.

First, a logline.  This is a short, three-sentence blurb about your book.  The one I did was one sentence, since I still didn't really know where in the heavens my plot was.  The second thing he does is make an aristotelian plot line (that jagged line with exposition, rising action, etc).

Before I made mine, I decided to make a model plot line off of one of the most successful 'stories' of date: the Avengers.  I also added where the three acts of the story begin and end.  To keep from making it too complicated, I used the titles of scene selections from the movie.  It took me at least half an hour, but it was so worth it when I sat down to make my plotline.

Aaaand... I was too lazy to do the rest of the things the writer pointed out, since I do enjoy my bit of creative liberty (pantsing).  But having the plotline written out in front of me really does help.  I had to make some changes to my story to aline it with my plotline, and delete some passages, but I'm about 1/7th of the way into my story with a clear path to travel.

Next time I write a book, please have someone slap me across the face and tell me 'Don't forget to make a plot line!'

P.S. In non-writing news, my mom and I played in a volleyball tournament last Saturday.  We split (lost one game, then won one game) with a team of girls who played for a big college in the area.  It was awesome!

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