Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I Killed A Man... With Dis Thumb

Uh, yeah... so I played Halo for the first time a couple days ago.  And I killed a guy.  On the opposite team.  Yusss.  (Okay, so I managed to kill people on my own team on several occasions, and I killed my little brother's character more than once, but that's not important, right?  Hey, I only played for about fifteen minutes.)  Yeah, I probably won't play it much.  My problem was that you constantly have to change where you're looking, which gets in the way of taking out the opponents.  Really annoying, but hey, family time with my little brother is always good, right?

Better news:  I am in a Volleyball 1 class.  I expected it to be pretty basic, pretty slow, let's-relearn-how-to-pass-for-the-fifteenth-time kind of speed.  And while we did re-learn how to pass the ball, the teacher of this class shocked me right down from my head to my yellow sneakers when he told us that we were going to learn to jump serve today.  Jump serve.  He hasn't even re-taught us how to set or how to hit, but he had us learn how to jump serve.

Just for clarification: only a few girls on a high school varsity team can jump serve.  Jump serves are more of a college-level volleyball skill.

I knew the theory behind jump serves, but the way he taught it and the practices he had us doing had me jump serving before I realized I was jump serving.  How cool is that?  I am stoked.  I can't wait to use it in a real game.

Best News: I got my car back, fixed and drive-able.  The guy who fixed it is my HERO.  Not many people would be willing to fix a wrecked car for free in the three coldest months of the year.  He's my home teacher, and he's flipping amazing.  He deserves all the sugar cookies the world has to offer.

I'm so incredibly grateful to have it back.  It's a bit daunting to be on the road again, but I'll be careful.  With any luck, I won't have to crash another car for many, many years.  The first thing I'm going to do with my car is drive it to places that are hiring, since I'm not getting hardly any hours at my work.  Wish me luck!  And if you see any job openings, send a message my way!
