Friday, May 17, 2013


I have two things to say today.

One:  I have decided to call Divergent, by Veronica Roth, Di-freaking-vergent.  Why?  Because it sounds cool, and I like the 'Di' sound to be by itself. :)

and Two:  I was pretty flipping angry and/or stressed out today.  FAJITAS!  (which is my own made up expletive.  It sounds right when it comes out of my mouth, so it's what I say.) 

Let me explain:  I was supposed to get my TB test today because I volunteer at the zoo.  My oh-so loving father made me drive myself to the clinic.  I've been there ONCE in the past year, and he provided me with no driving instructions and no other help whatsoever.  And he was pushing me out of the house as fast as possible.

So I drove.  And drove and drove and drove.  Until I figured I missed a turn, pulled off into some parking lot, and fought back tears as I called my mom.  Yeah, the street I turned on was __ PKWY. and not __ AVENUE.  Same name, except for the end of it.  At least my mom had my back, even though I had to call her, call her school about three times, and then call her AGAIN before she came and helped me find the stupid place.

In two weeks, my stupid school gets out and I graduate.  At least that's something to look forward to.  Suuuuuummmmmmmmer, claim me as thine own.


P.S.  Veronica Roth's blog is cool, and I'm taking her advice about word vomit.  That is all.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Yo, Anybody Miss Me?

Of course not.  I'm not that popular.  But that's pretty much my own fault for not updating.  I have a few more recent posts on my other blog,  Check it out if you're not busy.

Update:  So, two of my really close friends started blogs, so I figured I would re-start this thing.  It will still mostly be centered around writer troubles, but it will include random life stuff too.

Oh, and I found a really great place to find short story contests!  It's  The person who does it updates it frequently, so it should be great.  Some contests require entry fees, but not all of them.  Good luck, fellow writers!
